Referrals / Admissions
All the children at Courtlands School have a formal Statement/Education Health and Care Plan outlining their special educational needs. A professional such as a Educational Psychologist or your current school SENCo may suggest that Courtlands could be an appropriate place for your child. With your agreement an application for a place would be made to the Plymouth’s Multiagency Joint Admissions Panel. If Courtlands is considered as appropriate for your child you will then be encouraged to visit the school. Admissions to Courtlands may take place at any time during the year if places are available. We welcome prospective parents to visit the school and once a place is offered we will work with you to ensure that the transition for your child is smooth and pain free.
Plymouth Information Advice and Support for SEND can offer impartial advice and support for parents wishing to consider a special school place.
The LA Special Services team can be contacted through the Plymouth City Council website. (email or telephone 01752 307409)
Case study ‘J’
‘J’ joined Courtlands at the start of Year 4. He has a diagnosis of ASC, ADHA and Dyspraxia. His previous school reported that he had made limited academic progress and had regressed in some areas. He was struggling to communicate and cope with the busy environment of his mainstream school and was displaying physical outbursts and assaulting staff. J was receiving regular fixed-term exclusions and becoming distant from his peers.
J’s school applied for a place at special school via the Single Multi-Agency Panel (SMAP) and was offered a place at Courtlands via the subsequent Matching Panel.
J was given opportunities to visit the school before starting. He joined in with Courtlands children on many occasions and his parents were invited to come and meet key staff. J’s previous school shared important information with us so that we were fully prepared to meet his needs.
When J joined Courtlands he settled quickly and enjoyed the benefits of the small class size, expertise of staff and specific resources. Our Occupational Therapist was able to recommend suitable resources to support his learning, dyspraxia and sensory needs. J continued to settle well and began to make pleasing progress both socially and academically.
Year 5 was very successful for J, and we saw even more progress with his learning. He achieved 100% greens for behaviour during the year and made good academic progress as a result.
In year 6, he made excellent progress and achieved all expectations set for him in reading, writing and maths. He also developed good social relationships. We planned a thorough transition package with his receiving secondary school and enabled him to visit his new school many times. We shared key information and successes with them in order to make his transition a success and allow him to build on the excellent progress he had made while at Courtlands.
Case study ‘S’
‘S’ was identified at nursery as needing a place at special school due to her autism difficulties and global developmental delay. At 38 months old she was functioning as an 18-month-old.
With the support from the Educational Psychology Service and the Early Years Team, the nursery setting was able to secure an EHCP and a place at Courtlands via the SMAP and Matching Panel. S received her place at Courtlands while the EHCP was still in draft form (which often happens with the very youngest children.) This enabled the SENCo from Courtlands to attend a meeting with the family and professionals and have input into the final draft of the EHCP. This worked well because it allowed the SENCo to ensure that the exact provision that Courtlands is able to provide was detailed in the EHCP.
S was offered visits to the school in July in preparation for attending full time the following September. Her parents were also invited to an information morning where she was able to meet key staff and ask questions. The nursery provided additional information to the school particularly around strategies and interventions that worked well with S.
Upon arrival in September, the staff were fully prepared to cater for S’s needs from day one, due to the planning and preparation that went into the transition process. S made a positive start to her schooling at Courtlands and continues to do well as she works her way up through the school.
Joining us Q&A
Can I visit your school?
We welcome visits from potential families to enable parents and carers to make an informed decision about which special school they would like to suggest as their preference. However, we do usually recommend that the child already has an EHCP in place, or that one is in process and a professional such as an Educational Psychologist has recommend you to us. You are welcome to telephone the school if you want to discuss this further.
How do I make an appointment to visit the school?
Please phone 01752 776848 and our friendly receptionists will be happy to make an appointment with you.
How do I get an EHCP for my child?
Please speak to the SENCo at your child’s current school/nursery or speak to PIAS on 01752 258933 / 0800 953 1131. They will be able to talk you through the process and advise you every step of the way.
How do I request a place for my child at Courtlands?
Please speak to the SENCo at your child’s current school/nursery or speak to PIAS on 01752 258933 / 0800 953 1131. They will be able to talk you through the process and advise you every step of the way.
Once I have secured a place for my child at Courtlands, what will be happen next?
The school will contact you to arrange transition visits for your child. We will also contact the previous school or nursery to gather information.
You are welcome to telephone the school on 01752 776848 at any time to discuss individual circumstances.