We support between 3-5 apprentice teaching assistants each year to gain their level 2 or 3 ‘Supporting Teaching and Learning’ qualifications. We feel that this on the job training scheme is an excellent way in to the profession. In order that our apprentices all have a really positive experience, they are allocated a mentor and have a bespoke training package covering all the main topics in SEN that they are going to need to start their careers. Training in safeguarding, behaviour management, SEND teaching techniques, phonics, guided reading, concrete maths, and towards the end of their time, application and interview techniques make up just a few of the opportunities they have.
We feel that the fact that all of our apprentices have successfully moved into full time employment either within the school, trust or Plymouth at the end of their course, speaks volumes! We recruit our apprentices through Skills Group in Plymouth, or directly by advert.
Please click here to contact Skills Group and here for City College Plymouth.
To contact our Recruitment Team, please email: